For us to grow in Christ we must have one word in our Christian vocabulary, commitment. It's takes commitment to live a good Christian life, Its takes commitment to study Gods word, It takes commitment to attend church regularly, its takes commitment to come to Sunday school regularly,it takes commitment to love your enemies,and it takes commitment to stay focused on Christ. Christianity is not an easy road, but it is a road that will be beneficial in the end or should i say in the new beginning. Remember that all things on this side of the Curtin of life is temporary,and everything on the other side is eternal. But it takes commitment to the word of GOD to know what it takes to get into that heavenly kingdom. GOD calls for us to have 1. faith 2. be obedient 3.Live a life according to what we have studied and learned. In 2012 lets us start our with a new word in our Christian vocabulary; commitment to, commitment for, and commitment in Christian growth and maturity.