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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Feb 26, 2018


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Ezekiel 22:1-13, Proverbs 2:3-8, Romans 2:4-11, and 2 Chronicles 7:13-16. The topic was “The Need for Discernment, Repentance and Conversion” with the following subtopics:


“The Reason”

When you are not in the House of the Lord, you are worshipping something else. Everything of God is despised. We do not want God to interfere with our lives. All types of immoral acts are happening now. God is tired of it. We think about what is a pleasure to us; not a pleasure to God. We should do God’s will and what is pleasing to Him.


We need to understand God’s word. Do not lean to your own understanding. Get help to understand the Word. Ask the Lord to lead you in the path of righteousness so you will know the way to go. The Lord grants wisdom. Ask Him to show you the way.


Only the godly will enter the gates of Heaven. Look at your life to make sure it is blameless. Turn from your sins and turn to God. Straighten out your hearts today. Tomorrow is not promised to you. God gets angry. He is a loving kind God but He can get angry. Make sure you are worthy. God is being patient with us; giving us time to turn from our sins. We won’t listen, and the day of wrath is coming when God is the Judge. Those who patiently do the will of God will be given eternal life. There will be terrible punish of those who keep on sinning and fight against God. God treats everyone the same.


If I shut up the heaven so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust swarms to eat up all of your crops, or If I send an epidemic among you, then if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land (life). I will listen, wide awake, to every prayer made in this place (heart). For I have chosen this Temple (human body) and sanctified it to be my home forever; my eyes and my heart shall always be here. When we chose Christ, the Holy Spirit should have come in and abide in you. Look at yourself and ask is Jesus Christ in my temple or am I playing a game.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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